Talantbek Chekirov’s artworks show various aspects of the beautiful art. His works are extracts of his rich and broadly satiated ideas concerning the ideal notion of beauty in painting. Although Talantbek currently lives in the regions of Westfalen and Baden in Germany, he was born in the former Soviet Republic of Kygystan. He visited the State College of Art from 1986 to 1990 where he acquired detailed knowledge in the fields of plastic anatomy, graphics and composition. Talantbek completed his education with majors in theatrical painting and constructive art before taking over the role of artistic staging of the scenery at the wold famous Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
Talantbek has developed his own unique style over the years which has made him very successful. He is renowned for landscapes and nude paintings which are show in many top galleries across Europe and wordwide. Talantbek is an interesting new discovery in the sphere of art and Art Lounge International have been supporting him since inception.